English summary

I have started it with the intention to build/experiment a new way of community / simple living close to Budapest.

I,m still on this path, but people join only temporaly (days, weeks) as volunteers …

We have a vegetarian retreat center with 70 beds, 4 common rooms, which is managed by volunteers. We help people to get first hand experiences about simple living techniques and conscious living.

The basic values are: freedom, healing, self awareness, creativity

We have 50ha of land permited for max 70 houses, but I would like to start this process only when at least 5 families arrive with similar intentions…
who would like to be each others neigbour and make small steps together on creating something new…

In the meantime trees are growing on the land (40.000)

We welcome volunteers in the retreat center and on small construction projects… We are on the facebook in Hungarian: Biofalu Máriahalom – with pictures!


Representatives of Hungary, Slovakia. Czech Republik, Poland and Ukraine visited Biofalu Máriahalom in October 2019 during Visegrad tour supported by International Visegrad Fund.

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